Background on As mobilization
Typically, As release to groundwater is attributed to the reductive dissolution of As-bearing iron-oxide minerals. However, anthropogenic activities have been blamed to affect natural process. Learn more about the current knowledge.

Biogeochemical mechanisms
Arsenic (As) mobilization and immobilization in the subsurface is dependent upon geochemical reactions. Arsenic is sorbed to oxidized iron (Fe) minerals where its sorption capacity depends on the specific mineral, the speciation of As, and the geochemical environment1. In reducing aquifers, a well-known process responsible for As release to groundwater is the reductive dissolution of Fe (oxyhydr)oxide minerals to which As is sorbed, coupled to the oxidation of organic matter (OM) by iron reducing bacteria2-4.
However, besides the often-cited Fe reduction by iron reducing bacteria, other mechanisms may also be responsible for As mobilization in the reducing subsurface, including the sulfur cycle. Following sulfate reduction, sulfide oxidation can be coupled to the reductive dissolution of As-bearing Fe minerals. The available sulfide can also form thioarsenic species, which sorb poorly onto Fe minerals, especially in aquifers that have high oxidized Fe mineral content, thus leading to As mobilization5-7.
The geological setting sets the background for the biogeochemical mechanisms: in S/SE Asia, source material originating from mountains supplies large volumes of sediments and As content, combined with Fe minerals, to which As can sorb to and be released from during reductive dissolution2. Initial widespread observations indicated that geologically-older, e.g., Pleistocene aquifers are low in As, while younger Holocene aquifers are often enriched in As8,9. Previous explanations for the distinction between Holocene and older aquifers include differences in OM (more reactive OM in Holocene sediments), the sediment material (differences in crystalline vs. amorphous phases), and the redox conditions (oxic conditions in Pleistocene and older aquifers, reducing in Holocene sediments), and flushing over time leading to lower As in older aquifers2,10-13.
Flow of groundwater not only controls the distribution of As in the subsurface but also the distribution of DOC and other geochemically significant substrates that regulate groundwater redox state and control soluble As14,15. Long residence times of groundwater in the subsurface allow for extensive solid-solution interactions and build-up of As in solution, for example, especially in low permeability layers of clay26,35, while shorter residence times lower As in solution due to increased flushing of contaminated aquifers11-13. DOC and As, released at another location, can be transported both horizontally or vertically through aquifers under natural flow conditions18,19. Finally, the various possible recharge sources of an aquifer can also importantly determine whether organic carbon rich sources, such as from ponds20-22, or high As water, such as from riverbank pore-water reduction14,23, can infiltrate an aquifer and cause downgradient geochemical and As changes.
- external page call_made (1) Dixit and Hering, ES&T, 2003.
- external page call_made (2) Fendorf et al., Science, 2010.
- external page call_made (3) Islam et al., Nature, 2004.
- external page call_made (4) Wang et al., Earth-Science Reviews, 2019.
- external page call_made (5) Planer-Friedrich et al., ES&T, 2018.
- external page call_made (6) Kumar et al., ES&T, 2020.
- external page call_made (7) Nghiem et al., Nature Water, 2023.
- external page call_made (8) van Geen et al., Water Resour. Res., 2003.
- external page call_made (9) Nickson et al., Nature, 1998.
- external page call_made (10) Postma et al., Nature Geosci., 2012.
- external page call_made (11) van Geen et al., ES&T, 2008.
- external page call_made (12) Stute et al., Water Resour. Res., 2007.
- external page call_made (13) Ravenscroft et al., Hydrogeol. J., 2005.
- external page call_made (14) Stahl et al., Water Resour. Res., 2016.
- external page call_made (15) Nghiem et al., Water Resour. Res., 2019.
- external page call_made (16) Mihajlov et al., Nat. Commun., 2020.
- external page call_made (17) Planer-Friedrich et al., Applied Geochemistry, 2012.
- external page call_made (18) Mozumder et al., Water Resour. Res., 2020.
- external page call_made (19) Khan et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2019.
- external page call_made (20) Lawson et al., ES&T, 2013.
- external page call_made (21) Neumann et al., Nature Geosci., 2010.
- external page call_made (22) McArthur et al., Sci. Total Environ., 2012.
- external page call_made (23) Wallis et al., Nat. Geosci., 2020.
Although low-As aquifers may become contaminated over time due to natural factors, alarmingly, over the past decade, evidence has linked contamination of low-As aquifers to groundwater pumping1-3. Throughout S/SE Asia, Pleistocene aquifers that were previously assumed to be low in As have been found to be contaminated due to increased groundwater pumping, and in some cases, by suggested drawdown or infiltration of Holocene groundwater1,2,4-6.
Other shifts in surface recharge source to aquifers may be impacted by surface water body changes through land use change, for example: OM derived from anthropogenic activities such as sewage7 and constructed ponds8, leading to increased As concentrations in the shallow groundwater.
Finally, natural advection of dissolved organic carbon and As in aquifers, after being released within the subsurface and then transported both horizontally or vertically through aquifers, is intensified by increased flow rates and changed flow directions due to extensive groundwater abstraction for municipal and irrigation pumping6,9.
- external page call_made (1) Winkel et al., PNAS, 2011.
- external page call_made (2) van Geen et al., Nature, 2013.
- external page call_made (3) Erban et al., PNAS, 2013.
- external page call_made (4) Michael et al., PNAS, 2008.
- external page call_made (5) Khan et al., Nat. Commun., 2013.
- external page call_made (6) Mozumder et al., Water Resour. Res., 2020.
- external page call_made (7) McArthur et al., Sci. Total Environ., 2012.
- external page call_made (8) Neumann et al., Nature Geosci., 2010.
- external page call_made (9) Khan et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2019.